Thursday, February 3, 2011

Potato Experiment and Germs-Student Page

We just finished the Potato experiment. I would like you to answer a few questions and post them under "comments." Read others responses and see what they had to say about the experiement.

1. What did you learn about hygiene and hand washing after conducting this experiment?

2. Is there anything in your life you will change after this experiment? Why?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Deep Questions and Think Sheets

1. In class on January 18th, we talked about using deep questions to support learning with technology. How can deep questions support students in becoming effective self-regulated learners? What questions are needed and when should they be used? Please explain.

2. Is a think sheet just another type of classroom worksheet? How can we be sure that a think sheet supports minds-on learning in addition to simple mouse-on learning with technology? Please use examples from the chapter to support your answer.

1. It is important to ask students deep questions so they become self-regulated learners because it helps them connect ideas and thoughts together. Zimmerman states that there are 3 stages of Self-Regulated learners. They are: “1. Performance Control 2. Forethought 3. Self Reflection.” The types of questions that should be asked are comprehension, application, analysis and synthesis questions. Examples of these types of questions include, “What would happen if…?” “Draw a diagram..” “Keep a journal and report your findings.” These questions should be used frequently in a classroom, especially with new material. It helps students understand and remember the information.

2. A “think sheet” is not just another classroom worksheet. The NTeQ model uses them to “help students set goals, focus their attention, generate new ideas and understanding, and monitor their progress.” They help students become self-regulated learners and understand the material they are learning. Think Sheets support mouse on learning as well as minds on learning because it can be in many different types of learning. Performance Think Sheets can especially be used during “computer use and activities after computer use.” It helps them put the information into a form that they can get to in the future.

For a full response, click here.